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Do Not Start Your Career in The Dumps – Part III

The Pitfalls of Exam Dumps

November 17, 2022

Though we covered multiple reasons to not use exam dumps in Part I and Part II of our series, all things lead to one thing when using exam dumps – FAILURE. We share our final two reasons for not using exam dumps below. If you are preparing for your exam without exam dumps, our team wishes you the best and we offer a great list of preparation tips here!


5. They are a Waste of Time

Learning Salesforce is a large investment in time and this investment is a lifelong journey, not just a one-time event. If you are not learning the basics and building on a solid foundation of skills, you are wasting your time and should not even consider entering the Salesforce ecosystem as your ability to be successful will be limited. Spending hours studying exam dump questions provided to you by an unverified source and then not being able to utilize that information in a real-world scenario is a ridiculously poor use of your time. If you happen to secure a Salesforce job, all the time you spent studying exam dumps will be wasted as now you have to learn how to do your job under enormous amounts of stress. Additionally, Salesforce changes their questions often and exam dumps are notoriously outdated – why waste your time studying outdated questions?


6. They Lead to Failure

Without the understanding of the material or proper skills, you will eventually find it difficult to achieve your goals. Experienced interviewers will quickly identify that you are unable to critically think through the questions asked and refuse to move you forward in the process. If you do get hired, experienced co-workers will quickly realize you are unable to take on the tasks you have been hired for leading to resentment within the team. Eventually your inability to deliver on time and incompetence could lead to your company terminating your employment.


In conclusion, exam dumps are bad news. Salesforce takes the integrity of their credential program very seriously. If you see violations of the program, please submit a case here.


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