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Land Your Dream Salesforce Job - Part IV

Interview Time! Time to Shine!

October 26, 2022

After you have secured and prepared for your interview, now it is time to show the company why you are the best candidate for the position. Whether you are conducting an in-person interview or a video call, making a good first impression is key to creating engagement with your interviewer and facilitating a conversation that flows naturally. We recommend the following things to keep in mind during your interview.


Maintain Professionalism

In interviewing for a job, put your best foot forward and represent yourself in a professional manner. First, being early is being on time and do not ghost the interviewer even if you no longer want to interview for the job. Arriving late to an interview sets an extremely negative tone and dampens the impression the interviewer will have of you. Second, dress the part. This goes for your clothing as well as your working space if conducting a video interview. Though remote work has created a relaxed environment regarding dress code, dressing professionally can help you differentiate yourself from the competition. Finally, be professional and polite during not only the interview, but throughout all interactions with a company. No one wants to hire or work with a jerk so don’t ruin the opportunity by being boastful or dismissive of the questions asked.


Exude Confidence and Positivity

Being confident in your skills and what you have to offer. However, do not mistake arrogance for confidence and you will be looked negatively upon if you attempt to oversell your skills and accomplishments. Pay close attention to social cues throughout the interview to ensure you are not rambling and when in doubt, clarify with the interviewer whether you are answering their questions fully. Finally, do not speak negatively about previous employers. Though your previous work experiences may have been unpleasant, present the positive things you took away from that experience to exhibit that you can find growth during challenging times.


Close the Deal

As the interview ends, you will have an opportunity to seal the interviewer's impression of you. First, reiterate your interest in the position and why you think you could provide value to the organization. Second, inquire whether the interviewer has any concerns or unanswered questions regarding you or your experiences. Asking the interviewer directly allows you to correct any information that may have been overlooked or misunderstood by the interviewer. Next, thank them for their time and ask about next steps. Understanding the employer's timeline for deciding will save you from unnecessary anxiety wondering when you will hear back from them. Finally, send a follow-up thank you via email to the interviewer thanking them for their time, expressing your desire to work with the organization, and asking them to reach out if they have any questions.


MXA Solutions hopes that this series has been helpful, and we wish you the best of luck finding the Salesforce job of your dreams. Subscribe or follow us today to discover more great Salesforce info from MXA Solutions.