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Recruiting and Interviewing for Success - Part I

Find the Perfect Salesforce Match

November 29, 2022

Finding and hiring the right Salesforce resource can be like finding a needle in the haystack. Understanding an applicant’s technical capabilities, reviewing certifications, and trying to determine whether their skills are applicable to your position can be daunting. At MXA Solutions, we have had a great deal of experience interviewing candidates for Salesforce-related positions and wanted to share the following tips in this three-part blog series to help you on your journey to hire your ideal candidate.


1. Always Follow HR Guidelines

This may seem like a no-brainer but work with your HR department and be aware of your company’s HR policies. These policies exist to not only accurately reflect the company and its values, but also to ensure that the interviewing of candidates complies with laws and regulations applicable to your company. Additionally, your HR department may provide interview training. When in doubt, always contact your HR representative.


2. Clear Job Description

A job description is often a candidate's first impression of your company and writing a job description can help you attract talent quickly. First, ensure that you are using a relevant job title that resonates with your audience and includes keywords that a potential candidate might search for. Second, focus on the skills required to complete the job versus experience as great candidates might not apply if they are under your threshold for experience. Finally, be as clear as possible about the required responsibilities the candidate will have if selected for employment. The job description sets clear expectations about the role and what the candidate, as well as the company, should expect.


3. Proceed with Caution

Unfortunately, scams are prevalent, and we have experienced some low-budget-movie-worthy performances. For remote interviews, always require a video call to confirm that you are speaking to a single person. If there is a delay or any irregularity in the audio and video, there is a good chance someone is off camera feeding your candidate answers. We have seen candidates lip sync answers, we have seen candidates look at other screens and read answers from them, and even had candidates wear headphones when they were on speaker phone. Always trust your instinct and if you are suspicious, ask a question that should require zero thought from a qualified candidate. For example, simple questions you can ask include how is the weather where you are, where did you go to school, or where are you located. Finally, if you are conducting multiple rounds of interviews, ask memorable questions, follow-up on those questions, and compare notes with your co-worker to ensure you all interviewed the same candidate. We have met a hiring manager at one organization who takes screenshots of the candidate at each stage of the interview process to deter fraudulent candidates. Again, comply with your HR department’s policies and work with them on acceptable practices.


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