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Salesforce Interview Tips

Put Your Best Foot Forward

November 10, 2022

Job interviews are nerve-wracking, and questions often anxiously swirl in our heads.

What will the interviewer ask?

What if I do not know the answer?

Will they like me as a person?

Take a deep breath and read our five tips to help you ace your next interview for a Salesforce position.


1. Study for the Position

Depending on the Salesforce position you are applying for, it is important to realize there may be questions asked that you may not know the answer to and that is okay. The best you can do is properly prepare. Study up on areas that are part of the job description, refresh your memory on the topics you know well, and even review topics you may not be as familiar with. Employers know candidates may be nervous and may not properly answer all questions correctly. Displaying a coachable attitude and a willingness to learn can go a long way. Do your best to remain calm and confident throughout the interview.


2. Highlight Your Experience with Short and Concise Answers

When responding to an interviewer's questions, it is hard to know whether you are talking too much or too little. Yes or No answers are usually not what employers are looking for. A clear, comprehensive, and concise answer that draws upon your experience is always best. Do not be afraid to think through questions aloud as this allows interviewers to understand how you approach problems and your thought process. Another key tip is to use quantitative numbers to emphasize past successes, such as “I was able to reduce a business user’s workload from 25 hours per week down to 5 hours per week with the customized flow I created.” Numbers really pack a punch and can help you stand out from the competition.


3. Do Your Research

Always research the company with which you are interviewing. Understanding their mission and their values will help you understand why you may want to work at the company. Review the latest news articles about the company to understand recent wins as well as current challenges. Interviewers are often impressed when candidates do their research about the organization and can ask relevant questions about their business. This shows interest and willingness to put additional effort into getting the job. Most importantly, it also shows their organization is not just another organization on a lengthy list of places for which you are applying.


4. Dress for The Part and Be on Time 

When work from home orders started in March 2020, we became a little more relaxed with our dress code and appearance. However, for an interview, it is important to dress in a professional and presentable manner. Interviewers do notice these types of details and appreciate someone who takes the time to put their best foot forward. It is especially important to be punctual, if not early to the interview whether it be through Zoom or in person. For virtual interviews, be sure to have a professional background or use a filter to blur your background if necessary. Also, spend time well before the interview to make sure your Wi-Fi, audio, and video are working as expected.


5. Honesty is the Best Policy

Clear and honest communication is of utmost importance during an interview. Oftentimes, employers are trying to get a feel for your personality and whether you would be a good fit with their team, as well as your technical skills. One way to do this is to be honest and transparent when answering questions, while also being polite and courteous. Remember, soft skills matter - no one wants to hire a jerk. Send a thank you email after the interview to let your interviewer know you appreciate their time and reinforcing your excitement about the position.