It’s no secret that we are huge fans of Salesforce Flows. They can be used to create simple or complex business processes that can make a valuable impact on many organizations’ workflows. They are low to no code required automations that pack a big punch! Here are five features being released that especially stood out to us:
1. Native Flow Datatable Component
Datatable, the brainchild of the team at Unofficial SF once only previously available to Flows by downloading the third party component, will now be a native feature within Flows. No additional download needed! Although some features are unavailable (no edits allowed to the data within the table) in this version of Datatable, users can still view data within a table in a Screen Flow and select one or multiple records to update.

2. Enhanced Formula Builder and New Operators
Although building formulas within Flows is nothing new, Salesforce has enhanced formula builder functionality to check for errors even before saving the variable using the “Check Syntax” button. This will significantly cut down time spent troubleshooting errors during testing and correct an error early on in the development process. Additionally, new operators “In” and “Not In” allow us to check if a value is in a collection of other values without the use of loops!

3. Multi-Select in Lookups in Screen Flows
Previously only limited to one selection, users can now select from up to 10 records in a single Lookup field. That means selecting 10 Accounts or Opportunities within a single field to update at a time. Multi-selects=multi-tasking!

4. Record Triggered Flows Can Update Related Records
One advantage Process Builders as compared to Flows was the ability to update related records to a primary record(for example, update all Contacts related to an Account). However, with the retirement of Process Builders, this functionality has been extended to Flows.

5. Process Builder to Flow Conversion Tool-Coming Spring ‘23
Okay, okay we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves here since this isn’t *technically* available in Winter 2023, but this is too exciting not to share! With the retirement of Workflow Rules, Salesforce released a tool that allows developers and admins to convert Workflow Rules to Flows with a few simple clicks. With the imminent retirement of Process Builders, it left many of us wondering, “Where’s my simple conversion tool?” Wonder no more! A tool to convert Process Builders to Flows will be available in Spring ‘23 to make the transition to Flows just a bit easier on all of us.
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